About Me.


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Driven by a relentless passion for technology and innovation, I am a dynamic Computer Science enthusiast currently pursuing a Master's degree at The University of Texas at Dallas. My journey in the tech world began with a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering at K J Somaiya Institute of Technology, where I honed my skills and ignited my curiosity.

What sets me apart is my hands-on experience, bridging the gap between academia and real-world challenges. I've immersed myself in projects that span the spectrum of tech, from creating responsive personal portfolios and pioneering facial recognition systems to diving deep into the world of AI and machine learning. My academic achievements and diverse technical proficiency are the stepping stones to my aspiration: to contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving tech landscape.

I'm on a mission to leverage technology for positive change, and my journey has only just begun. I invite you to connect with me as we explore the exciting intersection of innovation, learning, and opportunity.

Tech Stack